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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer Communications | Customer Journey

Smooth Customer Journeys with Correspondence Management Software

By: Loraleigh Daum
January 2nd, 2023

The economy today looks almost nothing like it did even a short decade ago. Compare the housing market of 2022 to 2012, and that alone points at some massive shifts. This only scratches the surface, though. The main transformation that’s taken place is the emergence of a predominantly virtual, mobile, and digital economy. The rise of smart technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) already had society on a path of technological integration. However, the timeline for establishing the digital marketplace seemed much further off than it was in actuality. In part, this was due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020. With the administration of stay-at-home orders, capacity limits, and other health and safety protocols, the transition into a virtual era was significantly accelerated. Now, with this push into the virtual era, and the pre-existence of various social media platforms and other non-traditional communication channels, companies need to be prepared and equipped to talk to consumers wherever they may be. Correspondence management software allows organizations to do just that.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Improving Customer Relations with Customer Communication Software

By: Paige Tippett
December 5th, 2022

The economy operates on a balance of consumers and providers, buyers and sellers, if you will. This balance, though, shifts over time. For most of history, really, sellers held most of the power in this dynamic. In the past several decades, however, this power has started to shift into the hands of the buyer. This has come with a series of economic revolutions that typically mirror the relevant social dynamics as well. For example, raw data proves over and over that diversity is an impactful strategy that significantly boosts the bottom line. As such, more and more companies work to become more inclusive, diverse, etc. In regards to customer relations, it then becomes necessary to acknowledge the buying power that consumers hold. In turn, this translates to optimizing customer relations in such a way that your brand delivers an excellent customer experience, this can be achieved by implementing customer communication software.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer Communications

Top 5 Customer Communication Management Strategies

By: Paige Tippett
November 7th, 2022

Communication is integrated into every aspect of our society. Through centuries of evolution and alteration communication today takes on a wide variety of formats and mediums. One market that is getting a lot of attention today, in specific, is how to create technology and internet applications that are more inclusive of non-neurotypical people. Finding ways to advance these technologies across the board creates a wide spectrum of communicative mediums for which responsible organizations like to account. This isn’t to say that this is exclusive to any one market segment, either. The virtual nature of the current marketplace simply presents a myriad of ways for consumers to communicate in ever-new ways, including finding and inventing ways to reach new consumer segments that have historically not been a priority. With this in mind, there are some widely used customer communication management strategies that will help an organization address customer communication in the modern marketplace.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Correspondence | Content Management

The Role of Document Automation Software

By: Paige Tippett
October 10th, 2022

Communication is at the root of everything we do. From every relationship we build to every goal we accomplish, and even every sale we make. Communication is at the center of how we act and react in our everyday lives. This is an extremely important concept for organizational leaders to acknowledge and recognize, as it plays directly into the way that consumers respond to their brand. Without strong channels of business-to-consumer communication, the likelihood of success simply plummets. Having a communication strategy isn’t enough by itself, although it’s a good start. To really have a communication strategy work for you and your organization, though, requires a dedication to the communication process, and understanding your consumers. In today’s economy, the largest up and coming consumer segment consists of digital natives who operate with a digital mindset. Doubling down on these market segments, the one impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was a massive shift to a more virtual marketplace and economy. All of this results in a digital economy in which businesses are forced to find appropriate and convenient channels of customer communication that are efficient, serve a scaling book of business, and still retain a human touch. Organizations rely and depend on document automation software to address these market needs.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer Communications | Content Management | Document Automation

A Comprehensive Document Generation System

By: Paige Tippett
September 19th, 2022

The economy that exists today is grand, versatile, and expansive. Yet, even still, with every year there seems to be at least a handful, if not more, of niche market segments that enter the fold. This goes to show that as deeply saturated as the marketplace already is, there still remain untapped opportunities. What this also demonstrates is the living nature of the economy, consumers, and the intersection at which they meet. The marketplace in which we operate is ever-evolving and constantly shifting. As such, it’s necessary for organizations and their leaders to understand both the current standard for best practices across an industry, as well as the driving technology behind those best practices. Gaining a root understanding for the forces behind these practices enables an organization to optimize their implementations. One such tool that has emerged as a major player is a comprehensive document generation system.

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Blog Feature

Strategy | Document Automation | Digital Transformation

The Digital Era and The Power of On-Demand Communication

By: Paige Tippett
August 22nd, 2022

The fastest growing demographic in the world is the digital mindset demographic. This is in part because everyone born in the last two-decades now, has grown up in a technologically integrated society. In other words, these are digital natives who grew up with the internet and smart-technology. It’s difficult, then, for these consumers to understand or fathom a world existing without those conveniences provided by advanced technology. Having these aspects readily available fundamentally changes the way in which we approach a problem, the way we communicate, and the way that we build our communities. Looking at the psychological impact of technology on consumer segments helps businesses understand the motives and interests of the people they are trying to reach. This also helps organizations build stronger levels of customer service and better communication strategies that include features such as on-demand communication.

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