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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Interactive | Customer Communications

How Interactive Communications Pave The Way Forward

By: Mike Lui
July 11th, 2022

Modern day marketing looks wildly different than it has in years past. There are a multitude of reasons that accumulate to make this so, but one of the most impactful aspects to change the face of marketing worldwide, was the birth of the internet. Technology all together, really, has influenced the way companies advertise, and the way consumers respond to different marketing tactics. In recent years, some of the most powerful and successful marketing tactics to note are interactive communications and content marketing. These two marketing strategies have taken the business world by storm over the last decade or so, and by most projections, aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. This translates to an emphasis on multi-channel content generation, alternate content generation, and interactive communication, all aimed at boosting levels of customer engagement.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer | Correspondence

Document Creation Tools That Simplify Customer Communication

By: Mike Lui
June 27th, 2022

Efficiency is one of those terms that’s thrown around a lot in the circles of organizational management and leadership. While efficiency is always a central focal point of conversation and a heralded result, there isn’t any one path to creating internal efficiencies. However, there are systems and frameworks that can be installed into organizations that help improve various aspects of operations, and therefore, bolstering organizational efficiency. Efficiency isn’t only important to management, though. Efficiency is also a top priority among the majority of economic demographics; not only in the way of actual operations, but also regarding the speed and fluidity of communications and an organization’s ability to meet consumers where they are. With a consumer base that puts such a heavy emphasis on efficient and time effective communications, organizations need to be equipped to handle a bulk volume of customer communications smoothly and effectively. This is one reason utilizing document creation tools is considered a best practice that simplifies customer communication.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Interactive | Customer Experience

Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Interactive Communications

By: Mike Lui
June 13th, 2022

Understanding that communication plays an integral role in our everyday lives aids in creating and executing on effective management strategies. Not only within a company, but this also is reflected in the way an organization communicates and interacts with their consumers and customers. Communication truly lays the foundation for any relationship. From there, trust is built, loyalty is developed, and other positives are able to stem, grow, and compound. Given the proper attention and ‘nutrition’, as it were. Internal and external communication practices are vital to a smooth business operation. External communication, though, is particularly important. Especially in the modern day ruled by digital content and creative marketing gurus. As such, interactive communications have become a major player in the world of business communications.

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Blog Feature

Digital Experience | Digital Transformation

Integrating INTOUCH CCM Into Your Composable DXP

By: Mike Lui
June 6th, 2022

The intersection of business and technology is an ever-evolving, constantly changing one. This makes it both fascinating, and extremely fast-paced. While the limits of business-tech are really just being tested, there are often new innovations emerging from the sea each and every year. The ability to experiment, test, and try again are invaluable in creating optimized paths forward. This often means that old systems and accepted best practices are challenged to see if there isn’t a better option or solution. While in some instances the new innovation is clearly the better way forward, this isn’t always the case. Many other times, whether one way is better than the other is a debate that presses on for years to follow. This could very well be the case when it comes to composable DXPs.

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Blog Feature

Communicate With Document Generation Software

By: Mike Lui
May 31st, 2022

Businesses have always needed to communicate with customers. This should be relatively intuitive, as communication is the focal point of any relationship. No matter how basic or complicated - communication plays an integral role in the formation and continual development of any relationship. Through history, communication is an evolving concept. By default then, business communications have also evolved and changed forms many times over the years. Before the birth of the internet, or further yet, the birth of television - the main forms of communication between businesses and consumers included: in person, print, and telephoning. This meant that your options as a business owner or operator were fairly restricted in terms of reaching consumers. The telephone certainly brought with it new avenues of marketing. For instance, businesses took to practices like telemarketing and cold-calling fairly quickly. Even to the extent of utilizing novice automated calling softwares. Through technological development, however, eventually television ads became the rave, followed by the birth of the internet which essentially re-wrote the entire book on business, and led to additional technological advancement, specifically in the way of customer communications including document generation software, and CCM integration.

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Blog Feature

Interactive | Digital Transformation

Meet Customers Where They Are With Real-Time Communication

By: Mike Lui
May 16th, 2022

The past two years have marked an unprecedented acceleration into the digital era. While the transformation into a digital era has been coming and expected for decades, this specific acceleration was a direct result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With most businesses shifting to a digital and remote operation model nearly overnight, and many other workers leaving their employees to pursue their own ventures, the economy was launched into a digital space in the blink of an eye. Communication has always been a fundamental aspect of building customer relationships. However, in the past, there has nearly always been an aspect of face-to-face communication between businesses and their customers. In a digital economy, this is hardly the case. Yet, even without any face-to-face interactions, communication remains a top priority for both businesses and customers. This is why finding solutions for digital communications, real-time communication, is so vital.

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