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Customer Communications Blog


Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer | Strategy | Customer Experience

Developing a Modern CX for the Modern Consumer

By: Loraleigh Daum
April 15th, 2024

The customer experience is multifaceted and takes into account every interaction that a customer has with a brand and organization. How customers engage and interact with various organizations on the market is also a part of the customer experience. The customer experience is an extremely important aspect in running any business. The ways in which brands deliver a high-quality customer experience, though, have had to evolve alongside the rest of the marketplace over the years. This is because the things that motivate and drive consumer behavior are constantly changing and fluctuating. Similarly, the way that brands and organizations interact and engage with their audience groups has to ebb and flow as well to meet the demands and needs of modern consumers.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Marketing

Creating Organic Customer Engagement

By: Loraleigh Daum
December 25th, 2023

The world feels like it’s becoming more and more technical by the day, and sometimes by the hour or the minute. Technology and information are advancing rapidly, and as they continue to evolve, so too will their place in everyday life. The technology integration trend can already be seen in a myriad of ways. From how we communicate, to how we shop, and even how we work. The prominence of remote work and the virtual economy was heightened during the last few years of the global pandemic. When COVID-19 hit, society began a swift transition into a virtual world. Many organizations and individuals were more than ready for this shift. However, this wave blindsided many others. The consumer segment considered to be digitally native, were largely ready to embrace this new technological and virtual era. This is, at least in part, due to some of the ways technology has already been integrated into everyday life for the past few decades. The generational gap between those born before smart-technology or the internet, and those who were born with it readily available, is more than just ideological. Being introduced to technology and information as early on as new generations have been, there are actual fundamental differences in thought processes. This is important to understand when considering how to develop organic customer engagement with a modern audience.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer | Omni-channel

Growing Brand Presence with a Cross Channel Communication Strategy

By: Loraleigh Daum
August 7th, 2023

The organization to consumer relationship is a tricky one. It always has been. In recent years, however, there has been a shift in this dynamic. The shift is one towards more open communication between both parties, deeper transparency, and better access to information. As the digital era has progressed, so too has consumers' ability for independent research. On top of that, the microscope is slowly dialing in on the ‘behind the scenes’ action of big corporations. As such, the days of smoke and mirror shows are dwindling quickly in corporate America, and consumer awareness is evolving as well. All of this leads to a new consumer mindset that’s fueled by more than just finding the cheapest deal, although price still plays a major factor as well. A cross channel communication strategy can be designed to help organizations deliver impactful content and engaging messaging to the appropriate audience even in the digital era.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Improving Customer Relations with Customer Communication Software

By: Paige Tippett
December 5th, 2022

The economy operates on a balance of consumers and providers, buyers and sellers, if you will. This balance, though, shifts over time. For most of history, really, sellers held most of the power in this dynamic. In the past several decades, however, this power has started to shift into the hands of the buyer. This has come with a series of economic revolutions that typically mirror the relevant social dynamics as well. For example, raw data proves over and over that diversity is an impactful strategy that significantly boosts the bottom line. As such, more and more companies work to become more inclusive, diverse, etc. In regards to customer relations, it then becomes necessary to acknowledge the buying power that consumers hold. In turn, this translates to optimizing customer relations in such a way that your brand delivers an excellent customer experience, this can be achieved by implementing customer communication software.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer | Correspondence

Document Creation Tools That Simplify Customer Communication

By: Mike Lui
June 27th, 2022

Efficiency is one of those terms that’s thrown around a lot in the circles of organizational management and leadership. While efficiency is always a central focal point of conversation and a heralded result, there isn’t any one path to creating internal efficiencies. However, there are systems and frameworks that can be installed into organizations that help improve various aspects of operations, and therefore, bolstering organizational efficiency. Efficiency isn’t only important to management, though. Efficiency is also a top priority among the majority of economic demographics; not only in the way of actual operations, but also regarding the speed and fluidity of communications and an organization’s ability to meet consumers where they are. With a consumer base that puts such a heavy emphasis on efficient and time effective communications, organizations need to be equipped to handle a bulk volume of customer communications smoothly and effectively. This is one reason utilizing document creation tools is considered a best practice that simplifies customer communication.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Customer Experience | Customer Journey

Streamline Customer Engagement Through Omni-channel Communications

By: Mike Lui
March 21st, 2022

Over the past decade the importance of the customer perception of a brand has increased dramatically. This is in correlation with the rise and spread of the internet, as well as smart technology in general. Regardless though, customers are priceless to any organization. As such, one focal point in modern business operations is building and driving customer engagement. Customer engagement comes in many shapes and forms, but it’s official definition is, “an interaction between an external customer/consumer and an organization through various online or offline channels.” In other words, customer engagement encourages on-going conversation, multiple points of access, and multi-channel communications.

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