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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Correspondence | Customer Experience

Prioritize Consumers with Powerful Customer Journey Strategy

By: Loraleigh Daum
May 22nd, 2023

Over the past couple of years there has been a massive acceleration into the digital era. With it, this acceleration brought about an immersive and comprehensive virtual economy. The transition into this digital era and largely virtual marketplace was long-coming, but initially it was on a slow trajectory. The global pandemic, however, created an unprecedented push into the digital marketplace as remote operations and remote services became a necessity. Many modern consumers are considered digital natives and in turn, operate with what’s referred to as a digital mindset. Digital native simply connotes any individual who was born and raised after the birth of the internet. This is a consumer-group that understands and embraces the world of technology. In social lives, professional lives, dating lives, and everything in between. This immersion into the technological world also creates the digital mindset. This is a mindset that is composed of various thought patterns and tendencies that are typical or at least relatively common amongst digital natives. The digital mindset isn’t exclusive to digital natives, though, which is an important distinction. Anyone who embraces technology with open arms likely operates with a digital mindset. Understanding this is important in modern business as this knowledge helps in building a powerful customer journey strategy that caters to a growing group of modern consumers.

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Blog Feature

Customer Experience

Making Customer Touchpoints an Advantage

By: Loraleigh Daum
April 24th, 2023

The best and most successful leaders have proven an ability to create advantages where, historically, there aren’t any. Customer touchpoints are neither a disadvantage or advantage by their simple nature; it really depends on the approach of the individual organization or facilitator of that specific point of contact. In other words, turning customer touchpoints into an advantage is more than feasible. Customer touchpoints exist in almost every organization. That’s because a touch point is any phase or step in which the organization actively engages with a consumer or customer. This could be anything from an introduction letter, to an additional sales call, or even a happy birthday email. While every organization has a series of customer touchpoints across their respective customer journeys, not every customer touchpoint in every organization is going to look or feel the same.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Elevating Your Customer Experience Strategy

By: Loraleigh Daum
March 27th, 2023

The customer experience is one of the most important aspects of an organization. In some cases, the customer experience is even more important than the products being offered. This is especially the case in any service industry in which the customer experience essentially is the product. The sweeping acceleration into the digital era also plays a hand in this, bringing more levels of access to more people all across the nation and the globe. This, in turn, created an economic landscape in which customers not only had instant access to a library of information on organizations, it also spurred an uptick in market-saturation. In other words, there were more options for customers to explore in the instance they were dissatisfied with any of the organizations they patronized regularly. Between these factors and a consumer population that was already raising their expectations for what constituted responsible business operations and practices, the customer experience became a dense point of emphasis for organizations of all kinds.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer Communications

Bringing the Brand to Them with Client Communication Software

By: Loraleigh Daum
February 27th, 2023

The digital mindset is the overarching mindset of most modern day consumers. The growing demographics all across market segments are digital natives. People born in the era of smart-tech, laptop computers, and social media. Technology feels innate to this demographic because in a way, it is. Digital natives never experience a day of their life without technological integration, unless they specifically seek out solace on their own time. From the day they’re born, parents are snapping pictures with their smartphones, and maybe even playing infant developmental games with them on their tablet. Introduction to technology for digital natives happens at such a young age that it truly is a part of their development. This influences not only how they think and behave, but also how they purchase and interact with businesses and organizations as well. In addition to influencing these behavioral patterns in modern day consumers, the current digital landscape also created a massive network of various communication channels. In other words, there are more ways than ever for consumers to contact, interact, and engage with organizations all around the world. Managing this level of inbound and outbound messaging can become extremely overwhelming, but not with the help of client communication software.

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Blog Feature

Strategy | Customer Communications | Small Business

Using CCM Software to Ease your Company's “Growing Pains”

By: Loraleigh Daum
January 30th, 2023

While the population is at an all-time high, and will continue growing for the foreseeable future, thanks to technology, the world feels much smaller than it used to. Where it once would have been totally incomprehensible to instantly communicate with someone literally on the other side of the planet, it’s now as easy as hitting a ‘send’ button, or a call-button, if you prefer. The economy, too, experienced a similar phenomenon, as now cross-international business takes place each and every day. Some would go so far to say that there is no such thing as a domestic economy at all anymore. This has to do with the way that the supply chain is so interconnected and how many businesses rely on others to operate smoothly. Despite the intricacies of the global marketplace, this offers an opportunity to new and budding businesses. With the global economy more accessible than really ever before, start-up companies and mid-size organizations can look to greater heights and realistically set their sights on international growth. With this type of scalability, it only makes sense to implement and utilize a customer communication management software, or CCM software.

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications | Customer Journey

Smooth Customer Journeys with Correspondence Management Software

By: Loraleigh Daum
January 2nd, 2023

The economy today looks almost nothing like it did even a short decade ago. Compare the housing market of 2022 to 2012, and that alone points at some massive shifts. This only scratches the surface, though. The main transformation that’s taken place is the emergence of a predominantly virtual, mobile, and digital economy. The rise of smart technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) already had society on a path of technological integration. However, the timeline for establishing the digital marketplace seemed much further off than it was in actuality. In part, this was due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020. With the administration of stay-at-home orders, capacity limits, and other health and safety protocols, the transition into a virtual era was significantly accelerated. Now, with this push into the virtual era, and the pre-existence of various social media platforms and other non-traditional communication channels, companies need to be prepared and equipped to talk to consumers wherever they may be. Correspondence management software allows organizations to do just that.

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