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Simplify Creating and Managing Customer Communications Blog Feature
John Zimmerer

By: John Zimmerer on January 11th, 2021

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Simplify Creating and Managing Customer Communications

Automation | Interactive | Customer Communications | Technology | INTOUCH | Document Automation | Employee Experience | Digital Transformation

We all want to simplify our daily tasks. Why would anyone want to take 12 steps and 30 minutes to complete a task when there is a way to do it in 3 steps and 5 minutes? We wouldn’t, it just wouldn’t make sense to do it that way.

As with any human endeavor, employees want to spend as little time as possible completing a given task. They don’t want to be frustrated by the experience and they especially don’t want to have to stop what they’re doing to ask for help if they are unsure of how to do that task.

Time saved in one area can yield increased productivity in another. When line-of-business employees are able to manage customer interactions through customer communication management (CCM) software, they don’t have to wait or be “charged back” (i.e., billed) for the time it takes IT to turn around even simple changes.

With the right implementation of a robust CCM solution, businesses can be more responsive to the market by launching new products or making changes to the existing products, very quickly. And, as they say, time is money.

Simplify Communications

We previously looked at the beauty of simplicity: CCM software can alleviate unnecessary or overcomplicated processes while increasing employee engagement and positively affecting the customer experience. The simplicity of the CCM software user interface truly makes the process more efficient, which allows employees to focus the time saved on other more important, higher-value tasks.

Simplification also applies to the management of the number of communication assets. Using a solution such as INTOUCH® gives you the ability to consolidate (i.e., reduce the total number of) templates and maximize the number of reusable content objects, resulting in fewer documents, emails, responses, etc., to manage.

Simplify customer communications with CCM software

By simplifying creating and managing customer communications, everyone benefits.

Increase Efficiency

CCM software, and the accompanying library of reusable content, improves efficiency that results in delivering additional organizational benefits as well. While reusable content reduces management overhead, this efficiency also increases flexibility and responsiveness to the marketplace by increasing the ease and speed to make changes to multiple communications at once.

Without an organized system, organizations may find it is nearly impossible to keep up with ever-changing demands of all its customers. Even if each account manager can keep track of their own customers, should one of them go on vacation or get sick, the person covering these accounts may not be able to read sticky notes or be access other personal or annotated information on the account manager’s computer.

This is where the efficiency of CCM software comes into play. It doesn’t matter who is taking care of the customer's account at any given time, as all of the customer’s history and information is readily available so that any employee communicating with that client will be well informed and educated, providing the customer with a highly personalized interaction.

Even with the best of CCM software, you may find some times that the required data is not readily available or has not yet been captured, requiring a human being to be involved. At this point, CCM provides such features as user prompts—a stepwise series of questions the user must answer—that helps the representative focus on collecting the required information. These prompts can ensure that your representative does not miss any key or critical customer information, helping to reduce the employee’s levels of stress or frustration, help to ensure that they have not forgotten something important.


For four decades, Topdown has been helping companies improve their customer experience and increase operational efficiency. We have deep experience across many industries. If you’re looking to simplify your customer communications management, then get in touch with us today!

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Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash