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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Loraleigh Daum

Blog Feature

Customer Journey

Designing Customer Journeys that Flow

By: Loraleigh Daum
October 30th, 2023

The modern economy is consumer-centric. There are many reasons that the buying power, so to speak, has shifted into the hands of the consumers over the past few decades. Regardless of the roots of this trend, however, is how it impacts the modern economic landscape. Organizations that learn about their customers and their target audiences have a better chance of creating impactful and resonant messaging that actually drives consumer behavior. In this effort, it helps to understand the digital mindset of the average consumer, as well as other factors that contribute to consumer behavior. With this information, organizations, business leaders, and decision-makers are equipped to design smooth customer journeys that make life easy for everyone involved.

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications | Personalization

Adding Value Through Personalized Communications

By: Loraleigh Daum
October 2nd, 2023

Communication is an underlying aspect of each and every relationship that exists. This truth extends beyond the confines of humanity and even applies to plants and other lifeforms and ecosystems. Communication is not only a natural part of our lives, it is fundamental to creating and maintaining strong relationships both personally and professionally. Business communications can take many shapes and forms. From business to business communications, to colleague-to-colleague communications, and of course business-to-consumer communications as well. No matter how the dice are thrown, communication is at the heart of every functioning relationship. Not only this but the level of access that the average consumer enjoys today puts an even stronger emphasis on the value and importance of quality communications. Especially in a business context. This is why there is so much value in personalized communications.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

An Unmatched Customer Experience Strategy to Beat the Competition

By: Loraleigh Daum
September 4th, 2023

The marketplace is one of constant change and flux. The economy today is wildly different than it was even 30 years ago. There is a wide range of factors that have played part in shaping the modern market into its current form. One of the most significant of these factors that has molded the modern economy is technology. This may seem like a bit of a no-brainer, but technology drastically changed the way that businesses and organizations operate all around the globe. The introduction of the internet over 20 years ago was certainly a generational break-through, and may even prove to be one of the most important technological advances in all of human history. The reason the internet has proven so impactful is due to its widespread capability and the many innovations that it has stemmed. In other words, the internet was a building block and things like smart-phones and mobile-apps are various tools the internet has made possible. Understanding the current marketplace takes some knowledge of how it’s evolved to this state, which informs how and why many consumer segments think and act the way they do. The customer experience has never been weightless, however, in recent years, the emphasis on customer experience has increased rapidly. In turn, this means that organizations and businesses are dedicating more energy, resources, and more time to cultivating a positive customer experience they can deliver time and time again. In other words, organizations are putting more into developing customer experience strategy than ever before.

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Blog Feature

Customer | Omni-channel

Growing Brand Presence with a Cross Channel Communication Strategy

By: Loraleigh Daum
August 7th, 2023

The organization to consumer relationship is a tricky one. It always has been. In recent years, however, there has been a shift in this dynamic. The shift is one towards more open communication between both parties, deeper transparency, and better access to information. As the digital era has progressed, so too has consumers' ability for independent research. On top of that, the microscope is slowly dialing in on the ‘behind the scenes’ action of big corporations. As such, the days of smoke and mirror shows are dwindling quickly in corporate America, and consumer awareness is evolving as well. All of this leads to a new consumer mindset that’s fueled by more than just finding the cheapest deal, although price still plays a major factor as well. A cross channel communication strategy can be designed to help organizations deliver impactful content and engaging messaging to the appropriate audience even in the digital era.

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Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Journey

Making the Most of All-Inclusive Multichannel Communication Strategies

By: Loraleigh Daum
July 10th, 2023

The modern day economy is vastly different from what it used to be. There are a number of factors that have led to an evolving marketplace and what we have today is the cumulative result of generations and generations of these evolutions. One of the most recent evolutions the economy saw was in the swift acceleration into the digital era. The world has been transitioning to more virtual-focused operations for a number of years, but the past three years specifically, changed the workplace entirely. This drastic change came about in the wake of the global pandemic. Forcing organizations to close their doors, or transition to remote and virtual operations entirely, brought with it a new wave of business that emphasizes technical integration and remote operations. With more and more employers and employees pushing for work-from-home situations and the seemingly infinite realm of the internet, this accelerated transition into the digital age also created a perfect breeding ground for innumerous niche market segments to develop all across the spectrum of the internet. Scaling businesses operating on a global level need the tools to reach their audience in even the most niche of markets. This is one of the reasons that establishing a multichannel communication strategy is vital to a modern day organization.

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Blog Feature

Omni-channel | Customer Journey

Building the Perfect Path through Customer Journey Mapping

By: Loraleigh Daum
June 19th, 2023

Design is an increasingly important aspect in running and operating organizations. The modern economy is greatly influenced by content and the engagement that it creates with an audience. Oftentimes this engagement isn’t directly related to sales, and rather drives intangible KPIs that drive the bottom line all the same. This era of content generation was only amplified by the sprawling reach of the internet and the emergence of the digital economy. As society transitioned into this new generation of virtual operations, the attention and emphasis that consumers put on the customer experience increased significantly. Keeping all of this in mind, it makes sense that consumers have higher expectations and higher standards for the organizations with which they interact. So, the question for many organizational leaders and decision makers becomes, how to deliver a consistent and high-quality customer experience as a business operating at scale? One solution that’s gained traction in the common market is known as customer journey mapping.

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