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CCM Use Case Series: Payment Schedules Blog Feature
Mike Lui

By: Mike Lui on October 11th, 2021

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CCM Use Case Series: Payment Schedules

Automation | Business Case

The key to making the most out of a tool is understanding the various ways it can be used. Arguably one of the most valuable traits a tool can possess is versatility. When it comes to technology and SaaS, specialized versatility, specifically, has become the name of the game, so to speak. Considering CCM solutions, there is a whole suite of features and capabilities for users to implement that add value into the organization. As this series has already covered things like certificates of insurance and policy renewal letters, in this article, we’ll examine the part that CCM plays in payment schedules. 

Payment schedules are one of the most important aspects of an insurance company because of the simple fact that they involve the consumers financial assets. This is vital as mistakes made in planning or executing payment schedules can lead to costly repercussions and severe customer reactions. 

CCM Use Case Series- Payment Schedules

The Role Payment Schedules Play

As mentioned above, payment schedules are a vital aspect of the insurance industry. Payment schedules are going to apply to each and every customer that you take on, whether they’re in an active claim or not. This is because even customers that are not going through a claims process, obviously still need to pay for the insurance services. 

These payment schedules are often set up and agreed upon at the onset of coverage. However, things can change during and after a claim is settled. For instance, a claim on your policy in which you’re at fault could raise rates, or worse yet even force your firm to drop a customer. On the other hand, in the instance that your customer isn’t at fault, there needs to be a payment schedule set up to deliver appropriate payments to the consumer. 

As you can see, whether you’re onboarding a new customer, or helping file a claim for a victim or an at-fault party, payment schedules will be involved. 

How CCM Elevates Payment Schedule Strategies

Considering that payment schedules play such a large role in the industry, it makes sense that CCM solutions would be sure to include them in their breadth of capabilities. Sophisticated CCM technology uses a combination of AI, automation, and business logic to deliver hand-crafted, and personalized messaging to consumers across all of your various customer journeys. Being able to meet your customers where they are in virtually any of your common customer journey’s leads to a stronger business reputation, more convenient customer communications, and a stronger customer experience overall. 

The true power of CCM when it comes to payment schedules, however, is the CCM, and the recyclable content library that stems from personalized copy. Users can create templates and various messaging for a wide-array of customer communications. Then, the CCM program pulls data from the user-profile to create the perfect, customized message for any customer, at any point along a customer journey. 

Optimizing The Customer Experience

All-in-all, at the end of the day, the main priority of a comprehensive CCM system is to optimize the customer journey and the overall customer experience. By allowing your CCM to craft specific, personalized messaging you and your team can express genuine empathy to your customers going through some of life's hardest obstacles

By creating a layer of trust and expressing empathy to your customers you’ll find an increase in overall customer experiences as well as brand reputation. Not to mention the boosts to efficiency and productivity. 

A Brief Overview on Payment Schedules In CCM

Payment schedules are a vital aspect of the insurance industry. From on-boarding, through claims, and beyond, payment schedules will be attached to the life of any policy your firm issues, and making mistakes on them can prove extremely costly. 


For more information on the many capabilities of CCM, check out TopDown Systems' other articles in the series on policy renewal letters and look out for more titles to come in the series.  

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