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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Using Metrics, Analytics with Multi-channel Customer Communications

By: John Zimmerer
May 25th, 2016

In Three Ways to Use CCM Metrics, Analytics to Improve Customer Experience, one of the three methods I mentioned was multichannel contextualization:

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Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Legacy Systems Challenge Your Digital Customer Experience

By: John Zimmerer
May 11th, 2016

Unless you’re a brand-spanking-new startup, your organization almost certainly has legacy software. By “legacy,” we mean previously acquired and now outdated – any software that was purchased when business requirements and market dynamics were different than they are today.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Three Ways to Use CCM Data, Analytics to Improve Customer Experience

By: John Zimmerer
May 6th, 2016

All companies have two topline objectives, regardless of industry, size or business model: revenue growth and profitability. So the metrics that companies gather for any business function, including customer communications management (CCM), usually speak to one or both of these. Profitability usually gets translated to CCM in terms of operational efficiency. The goal is simply to spend less generating, distributing and tracking communications. Since customer service call centers are usually the most costly way to deliver customer service, there’s a lot of sensitivity around call center volume, resolution rates, cost per touch, etc. So companies work to deflect the need for customers to use the call center through methods such as customer self service portals and improved customer communications.

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